Banner is from CW @ The Quiet Pond.

#StartOnYourShelfathon is run by CW at The Quiet Pond, and the goal is to read as many unread books on your bookshelf between December 13, 2019 and December 31, 2020! Sounds exciting right? RIGHT? Do you want to join in?

If so, check out this post and this post for more information!

Hi, yes, I shall be joining in on the fun that is #startonyourshelfathon! I am so excited for this!

So I figure I’m going to make myself WORK for this. But I also need to be cautious as I am starting grad school in January. Therefore, I need to be reasonable (for once).

Goal #1: Read at least two unread books on my shelf a month. Because I know myself. I am going to get books from the library. I am going to buy old favorites and reread them. I also probably only have like six or seven right this minute, but I guarantee I’ll add more to my shelf and wait forever to read them.

Goal #2: Read every book that I buy — that I’ve not yet read the month I buy it. YES. This means if I buy a book I have not read I must read it that same month! (or the month it arrives). I refuse to end up with fifty books I have not read on my shelf again.

Goal #3: Read all the unread books! Yep. Just read all the books! (I know I don’t have nearly the amount other people do, but I always buy books and leave them on the shelf. So…yep.)


There is no particular order I’m planning on reading them in — except the arcs. Arcs before they’re due are priority which in this case are:

  1. Chosen (Jan)
  2. What I Like About Me (Feb)
  3. Running (May)
  4. The Silvered Serpents (Unknown)

I’m so excited to take part in this! I know I don’t have a lot of books on my list right now, but I have a feeling it’ll grow if I buy any more books.