This weekly meme was created by That Artsy Reader Girl.

So this one was a little hard to do – I don’t seem to have a character type/traits that I love over others in books, but I’ve done my best!

Cat Lover

I guess it is because I love my kitties so much, but any character that loves cats, I tend to love as well. So any good cat lover character is very likely going to be one that I connect with…unless they’re a serial killer or something.

Characters with magic —

This is a surefire trait that I love to see. Magic is pretty awesome, and when it is combined with a great plot, it makes me an extremely happy person. There is just something about characters with magic…


There’s just something about a funny character — one who has a lot of humor and makes me laugh that is so refreshing. I can’t get enough of traits like that!

Refreshingly honest —

I put these two together because unfortunately, a lot of characters are blinded by themselves and tend to not acknowledge their faults. I really appreciate when authors have them acknowledge those faults and grow. For me that helps make a terrific book.

Good at being friends —

To me, some books are solely focused on romances to the detriment of supposed friendships. I love when characters are able to have a nourishing/fulfilling relationship with their friends AND their significant other. It makes for a much better read.

Loyalty —

This one is a complex one. Loyalty is good — up to a certain point. I don’t mind bad characters, but I don’t want the loyalty to become subservience to another characters needs only. I think it has to be a fine balance. But I do like to see characters who have each others backs.

Kind —

I think this kind of goes without saying, but I love characters who are kind — both to others and themselves. There is just something wonderful about it. Unless they’re defeating the villain which ties into my next point…

Strong characters —

There was another word I thought of first, but I refrained from using it. Anyways, strong characters who manage to overcome problems, and then DEFEAT the bad guys. I love stories like that. It makes me feel all happy. So those strong characters tend to be some of my favorites. Who are able to do what is hard.

Angst —

This one has a caveat — I like angst as long as it is done in a way that doesn’t seem…overdone? It’s hard to explain. I think for me, the best example are characters like Ronan and Adam in The Raven Boys, when I think of angst done well, I think of them. It’s because they still have problems, but they’re working towards resolutions.

Intelligent —

I love a good intelligent character, one who can think their way out of dangerous situations, or can appraise a situation and figure out what has happened. I feel like intelligent can check a lot of boxes for characters done right.

Tell me what you think in the comments!