There is nothing of Rebecca Ross’s that I don’t like. And Divine Rivals is included on that list. This book is SO good. To me it is a steampunk fantasy but with high fantasy elements. In some ways…it reminded me of the world of Fullmetal Alchemist. This is a good thing, I was obsessed with that show (still am tbh) years ago.
Anyways, Iris as a character was delightful. I loved her because I felt that she was real, and I liked her determination.
The book was also atmospheric, something Ross can do really well along with world building. And that here is a triumph. There are so many good quotes to pick through in this book, and I can’t wait to share them with you when the book comes out!
I liked that this book has a different feel to it – also a Narnia feel. Whatever, just know that I loved the feel of this book!!! (This needed like three exclamation points)
Iris and Roman were SUCH a combination. Another aspect of the book that I loved.
Ross is a supremely talented writer, and there are many lyrical sentences in the book that make me pause and think and enjoy.
This book was amazing to read and I’m going to need the sequel ASAP.