This weekly meme was created by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Another week…another one I struggled with! Extraordinary book titles…I don’t know what makes a book title extraordinary, so I’m just going to list some titles I absolutely love.

  1. Wild Magic (also I just love this cover…and this series…and everything Pierce has written honestly.)

2. If We Were Villains (such a cool title! and a GREAT book)

3. House of Salt & Sorrows (even the title feels atmospheric!)

4. The Bone Witch (I just love this title…it is so unassuming and the story is so massive…it is good!)

5. The Priory of the Orange Tree (while it doesn’t have all that much to do with the actual story, the title is what caught my attention originally.)

6. The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women (is a non-fiction book and a heart-wrenching story of women who were abused by their companies and the system and lied to. It’s a fabulous book though.)

7. Carry On (honestly…my list would not be complete without this title!)

8. The Bear and the Nightingale (another amazing title and amazing story. This one is totally atmospheric and well written.)

9. Luck in the Shadows (a rather unassuming title…but a fun read. And plus it’s like…fantasy. Seriously, I love this book/series.)

10. In a Dark, Dark Wood (if you want to evoke spooky vibes just say in a dark, dark wood…)

How’d I do? What do you think are some extraordinary book titles?