There is just something about book covers…you are drawn to them (or not) and so I have compiled a list of some of my favorite 2021 book covers. This list is not extensive, and I’ll probably do a second round later!

These are in no order.

I love how creepy this cover is. I also love the inverted city on the bottom. Feels very LOTR like.
I love the colors and art work in here. It’s just so beautiful. I also love the clasped hands.
The colors and text are just divine on this. I love the geometric pattern in the background with the two faces centered on top.
Honestly this cover is just fierce and I love it.
This may be better than the first cover. I love the colors and her expression is perfect.
This book just has GORGEOUS colors and I love the expressions and the notepaper everywhere.
I love the movement and colors in this one.
So eerie and beautiful. This is just…so lovely and enchanting too.
I’m a simple person. I love this cover. It pleases me.
I love Kova’s covers. I just love the whole aesthetic appeal of this.
I loved the original cover, but this one is lovely as well! I love how…IDK how to describe it. I just love it.
I just love how the tree and wolves are almost like etchings on here.

What are your favorite covers? Are there some I should look at? Let me know in the comments!