How the heck is it the end of July?!!?!? I am in stunned shock, because it also means I AM DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL!! I am just waiting on official grades now, but I’m done! Free!!! Free to be a librarian! (This includes a lot of shelving!)

Anyways….! July was an epic month of reading!

Read Books

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Read Arcs

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ARCs Received

Reading Stats

This month I read: 33 books total!

Fantasy Books – 59%

Mystery/Thriller Books – 18%

Romance Books – 20%

Other Books – 3%

On the Blog

Once more, July was me posting reviews of upcoming ARCs! I’m VERY excited to post some of the ones coming out in August!

Around and About

Working on getting myself onto a schedule…is not working. Lore Bookclub will be taking a break in August — then we’ll plan out the fall/winter books we want to read!

My favorite book this month was as tie between This Vicious Grace and Belladonna. I’ve been into more adult books recently, but these are both published as YA. The characters are all 18+ in both, but these two books have a stranglehold on me and I need to know what happens next. My next favorite was probably a tie between One Dark Window/Forging Silver Into Stars/The Prince’s Poisoned Vow. All were stupendous in their own ways.

August Hopefuls

🤷‍♀️Who knows? Probably finish the Harper McClain series, and read some more book box books.