(a.k.a. the ones I was sobbing during)
So, I decided not too long ago that there are some sad books that I absolutely adore, and now I feel the need to inflict them upon you all. So here are my top four books that made me cry.
Most of these are last books in the series, but I promise I will not give any spoilers!
#4: Clockwork Princess

We all know Clare is hit and miss for me, but this book made me cry! I enjoyed this series, and felt the ending was satisfying. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t sad for a few days after though.
#3: Night of the Dragon

We just aren’t talking about this one — I did cry. However, I love the aspects of hope Kagawa inserts into this series, and overall, I did (mostly) appreciate the end. I went into shock with this one. I still haven’t recovered.
#2: Magic’s Price

This is an older series, but is still really good. I mean the whole series was fairly dark and sad. The final book, this one…was heart wrenching. I wanted to scream reading it. *cue ugly crying* The first time I read this I just lost it and screamed and threw my pillow across the room.
#1: Song of Achilles

Is it really any surprise what is number one on this list? I have repeatedly talked about how this one crushed and stomped on my heart DESPITE my knowing the actual myth. I mean, really, how hard could it actually hit? Hard. I still ugly sob every time I read this book. I pretty much end up in this ball on my bed bawling my eyes out.
The Infernal Devices is definitely the best thing Clare has written imo! Not read her recent books though because for me everything after Clockwork Princess was downhill ?
I agree, the original series was good, but the Infernal Devices has definitely been the best. The characters felt a lot more real
If you liked TID, CoG was almost as good. I hated TMI and didn’t like TDA, so hah!
Completely agree with the Infernal Devices! I think it is the best of all CC’s work. Also Song of Achilles broke me ?
It really is, CoG is pretty good too! SoA…it ended me.
Mostly every books makes me cry XD Truth be told I cry for everything and for ANYTHING – for joy or for sadness. I think the recent ones that I cried in them was Geekerella & No One Here is Lonely for sure.
SoA absolutely threw me. I also obviously knew what was coming and that it was inevitable but UGH. Feelings COMPLETELY destroyed ? I read a good chunk of it while I was traveling as well so I was that weirdo trying to cry discreetly over my book at an airport cafe and on the plane itself ? Bahaha so worth it though!
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