Most Recent Saddest Books I’ve Read

(a.k.a. the ones I was sobbing during)

So, I decided not too long ago that there are some sad books that I absolutely adore, and now I feel the need to inflict them upon you all. So here are my top four books that made me cry.

Most of these are last books in the series, but I promise I will not give any spoilers!

#4: Clockwork Princess

We all know Clare is hit and miss for me, but this book made me cry! I enjoyed this series, and felt the ending was satisfying. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t sad for a few days after though.

#3: Night of the Dragon

We just aren’t talking about this one — I did cry. However, I love the aspects of hope Kagawa inserts into this series, and overall, I did (mostly) appreciate the end. I went into shock with this one. I still haven’t recovered.

#2: Magic’s Price

This is an older series, but is still really good. I mean the whole series was fairly dark and sad. The final book, this one…was heart wrenching. I wanted to scream reading it. *cue ugly crying* The first time I read this I just lost it and screamed and threw my pillow across the room.

#1: Song of Achilles

Is it really any surprise what is number one on this list? I have repeatedly talked about how this one crushed and stomped on my heart DESPITE my knowing the actual myth. I mean, really, how hard could it actually hit? Hard. I still ugly sob every time I read this book. I pretty much end up in this ball on my bed bawling my eyes out.

So…what books make you sad/cry? I want to know!

8 thoughts on “Most Recent Saddest Books I’ve Read”

    1. I agree, the original series was good, but the Infernal Devices has definitely been the best. The characters felt a lot more real

  1. Mostly every books makes me cry XD Truth be told I cry for everything and for ANYTHING – for joy or for sadness. I think the recent ones that I cried in them was Geekerella & No One Here is Lonely for sure.

  2. SoA absolutely threw me. I also obviously knew what was coming and that it was inevitable but UGH. Feelings COMPLETELY destroyed ? I read a good chunk of it while I was traveling as well so I was that weirdo trying to cry discreetly over my book at an airport cafe and on the plane itself ? Bahaha so worth it though!

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