Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews

In personal news, I am so excited for the holiday season! It is one of my favorite times of years. Work is still going well, but other than that I don’t have too much to add! Life has been pretty quiet this week all in all.

Only Mostly Devastated — Book Review

Date: November 20th 2019

Only one review this week, but I’ve been writing a whole bunch more and getting ready to post them! So while I didn’t post a ton this week, I was working on things to post at a later date.

My laziness knows no bounds. I stuck both my hauls in one picture because they were tiny this week. I finally got my hands on Priory (which I LOVED and now I own it) and QoN (which was also good!).

And two more to read! (Plus the eight other books on my shelf I still have to read. Progress.)

I already mentioned I was working on more reviews, and I’m working on my instagram. I’m going to be (hopefully) making some booksleeves today! Hurrah!

I hope you all have a lovely week, and if you’re celebrating Thanksgiving coming up, have a safe and lovely holiday!