The Dark Mirror


Thank you to Bloomsbury for an ARC!

Okay WHERE DO I EVEN START WITH THIS? I’m literally sitting here and going – okay SAM. On the other hand I’m pounding my fists against the ground.

While you don’t HAVE to reread the previous books I do think that a quick refresher might be helpful if you don’t remember everything. Shannon does leave little tidbits to remind you of things that have previously happened to help spark your memory. So even if you don’t, those should be enough.

I’m still flabbergasted the timeline has only been a YEAR. Poor Paige. I love her so much.

I love her story in this book, and I am REALLY excited for her story in the next book. So much happens in this one, plot lines from previous books are wrapped up, and yet new ones also begin.

There is a lot to admire in this book, and I feel like it’s hard to contain in one review – but I’m going to try my best.

This book deals with the theme of trauma very intensely. While it is mostly centered on Paige and Arcturus, we do get to see bits and pieces of how others have handled their trauma. And it’s all different types too.

One of the things I loved about this book was how delineating the line is between Scion and the Free World. But as in one moment during this book Paige points out some people look away even when danger is right on the doorstep. She implies that you can’t bury your head in the sand.

There is a staggering amount of super emotionally charged scenes in this book between all the different characters. I loved getting to see Nick and Maria and Paige together. And I adored Verca.

On top of that there are a few new characters who come to the table, and I’m definitely guessing we’ll be seeing more of them in the future.

This was a fantastic installment in this series, and I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next book.

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