I’m going to join in on this, created by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This weeks is Books On My TBR I’m Avoiding Reading and Why. So lets go through my TBR and see what I’ve been avoiding reading…(I’m including my want to read list, because some I don’t own…)

  1. Sea Witch Rising — I’m avoiding this mostly because I know I’m going to have to buy it (my library hasn’t picked up this series) and I don’t want to spend the money on this book right this second.
  2. Notes on a Killing: Love, Lies, and Murder in a Small New Hampshire Town — I put this on my list a few weeks ago…but again my library doesn’t have it, and I’m not interested enough in true crime to fork out money for it, so I’m going to avoid it for a while.
  3. The Red Parts: Autobiography of a Trial — see above…my library apparently doesn’t buy a lot of true crime.
  4. A Death in Belmont — and what do you know, another true crime! So once again, see above because man, I am not buying any of these.
  5. Of Ice and Shadows — I liked the first one fine, but I don’t know…something about this book…I’m going to wait for a bit on this one.
  6. These Witches Don’t Burn — Once more, see #1. It’s always a money issue.
  7. King of Scars — I like Bardugo’s works fine, but I’ve heard rumours about what happens in this book, and it has totally put me off reading or buying it at the moment.
  8. Pumpkinheads — I want to wait until it feels more fall like before reading this one.
  9. This Time Will Be Different — I want to read it at the library…so therefore I am waiting.
  10. The Storm Crow — until I was going through all my e-book stuff as well, I forgot I had this one on hoopla. Well…I must have wanted to read it at the time and I guess I should get on it. At some point? Whoops.

And there’s my list! Mostly stuff I want to read, but don’t want to have to pay for yet. I just spent WAAAAAY too much money on book boxes, so I have to give my debit card a rest for awhile. (Well, inexpensive books under $10 aside)

What about you? Do you have any books that you’ve been avoiding?