Hello my friends! Today I am going to take you on a journey over a years time…a long journey…a journey of discovery…mostly. You don’t have to go anywhere, you just have to put up with pictures. And some text. But this is a blog post talking about how quickly I got out of control in terms of book collecting in a little over a year! (And how I’m attempting to reign it in.)
July 2019…I was just beginning this journey. It was a small shelf then. I had a few books, but not many.

August 2019 wasn’t much different, still only a few books. It wouldn’t be until I got my first OwlCrate that I developed a collecting bug.

September 2019…I painted a new shelf. I loved it! It was bigger and better than my old one! I was also prepared for Spooky season! I could not wait!

October 2019 had A LOT of changes in it. Far too many, but part one looked thus! Two full shelves! Lots of great books! All rainbow ordered (when it was easy!)

Part 2 turned into this…more books, but just a few.

Then came a little later in October…and all the shelves were full! I was making use of my local used bookstore and of BAM’s bargain bin! Love them both!

Then this was the last change in October of 2019…I got myself a target shelf. And some more books. So my collection had drown! It was still looking lovely and had plenty of room to grow.

November came and I got myself a second shelf. YALLfest had been good to me, and I had more books than ever before. It was lovely to feel that my collection was growing. I was starting to feel like a part of the community.

January 2020. No pictures for December as I apparently didn’t take many? Also, apparently it didn’t change a lot. We then move onto having moreeee books. I was getting addicted to book buying. But it was fun!!!

February came, and again, very little changes other than some more books. It wasn’t anything hugely different to be honest.

March I started actually decorating the shelves more. The HP set (and funkos) gifted to me moved to make room for my sign. I added more shelf decorations. At this point they were still organized by color.

When Covid hit in March we were only working Mon-Thurs. So one weekend late March we repainted my room, and I moved my 2 shelves together and stacked all the books up. No longer by color. I loved the corner shelves!

April 2020 I went and got a third shelf. I was really enjoying the look of them together. It really appealed to me.

June 2020. No May pictures as nothing changed. In June I added a fourth shelf! It was starting to look really good and I was happy with it!

July 2020. In which I acquire a fifth shelf. They are slowly taking over my room — the only space I have for bookshelves.

August 2020 I added a sixth shelf. Lots more space! Lots of good books!

Right now, I have space for one more shelf and that’s it. But it is all good because I can stack books on the shelves I have, and take up unused space. I have started buying less books in general, and buying more used.
It’s really interesting to see how my shelves evolved over a year. In another year they probably won’t have changed much, except for maybe order. Recently, I started thinking about arranging them by rainbow again, which I may do.

wow!! Your collection has grown so fast!! They look so good now
ahhh thank you!!! yes it has! it’s why I’m slowing down haha
omg this is beautiful! i aboslutely adored going on this journey with you.
thank you so much!!!! i had a lot of fun looking back on all the changes I’ve made to my shelves!
Oh goodness! Such an evolution!!
How I envy you to be able to fit that much shelves in your room 😅 I can just fit my own (however I still have LOTS of place to put new ones).
Book collecting is such a calming feeling!
it really is a soothing feeling!
Ah your shelves are absolutely stunning and I enjoyed seeing how they grew and changed in just a year. There’s definitely something calming about being surrounded by books <3
it really is! although shortly it’ll turn into ebook collecting!
Oooooo this is so pretty; I love seeing your collection grow over time and going on the journey with you! Here’s to many more books (although hopefully you’ll still have a place to sleep eventually).
Thank you so much! I think I will have enough space to sleep…but I really could use an add on 😅🤣🤣