April 2022 Wrap-Up

I clearly jinxed myself last month when I said I “ONLY” read 17 books. 😑Because you know how many I read this month?

Yeah, it wasn’t 17.

It was 12. Whyyyyyyyy? I bemoan. I have SO MANY books I need to read, and I will never be able to read everything unless I keep up my pace. Urgh. I can’t even explain why my reading habits have fallen off. I think it was just another slumpy month. I’m planning on reading some different things to see if I can get myself out of this slump.

Plus, I’ve got The Jasmine Throne to read for my book club this month. Don’t forget, you can always click the link in the navigation bar to head to the book club! 😁 I am excited to read this with a great group of people. It’ll be fun!

So let’s get down to what I read this month:

Read Books

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Read ARCs

[table id=4 /]

ARCs Recieved

Reading Stats

I decided to work on my sheets skills and have started tracking my reading. So here are some stats pulled from my spreadsheet.

Total ReadBooks BoughtCost
1213$282. 93
that is definitely not my $80 book budget.





In an unsurprising turn of events, fantasy was my most read genre. Although my horror quota was in second place with paranormal/supernatural! So that was really cool to see! Everything else is about the same! Once again, no big surprise, I was evenly matched in Adult vs YA reads, and 3 stars is my favorite rating. This month I read mostly ARCs. I wasn’t behind, but I did want to get ahead so I could get the reviews posted when they need to go up.

On the Blog

What, oh what, did I post this month? I started a new blog series entitled “Throwback Thursdays”. Never said I was catchy! This new series features old books that I’ve read as well as user suggestions! I feature some of my old instagram posts as well! It’s a little look back! You never know, you might find some great “new” books in these posts!

Around and About

Whew! That was a bit, and if you’ve stuck around this long, thank you! 💟 I finished my grad school semester, and my FINAL semester starts in about a week. Lots to unpack there. I didn’t get the job I applied for, but I know there will be other opportunities. I’ve started to try and get myself on a more regular schedule. Sometimes it is so difficult though!

May Hopefuls

What am I going to read in May? Here are the list of books that I’m hoping to get to this month!

Honestly, if you know me, I am a total mood reader.

Well! It was certainly an exciting month — even with a lack of books!

How did your April go?

Let me know in the comments!

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