April Wrap-Up

Seriously, WHAT HAPPENED TO APRIL? I feel like we were just in March and *poof* it’s May. I keep saying “it’s April”. It isn’t. It’s May. A LOT has happened in the past month. Some good…some not so good. At this point the only reason I know what I had for breakfast is because I’ve pretty much had the same thing for breakfast the past month. Toast. And some variety of cream cheese. I don’t even know what is going on anymore. I do know what I read, however, so woo!

Books Read: 27
Books Hauled: whose counting anyways??! (It was 12.)
Book Reviews on Blog: 8
Other Posts: 12
ARCS Recieved: 7

I got back into doing some weekly memes, Goodreads Monday and WWW Wednesday specifically! I have enjoyed them. I reviewed 8 books this month. Some were older reviews, some were newer. I think I had a pretty good posting month, and I am happy with what I did!

Onto what I read! I had another great month of reading!

I had four five stars reads this month! Super exciting!

Not only did I have a great month in terms of reading, I started a Booktube Channel! You can find me here.

Keeping my fingers crossed for an awesome May!

13 thoughts on “April Wrap-Up”

  1. “At this point the only reason I know what I had for breakfast is because I’ve pretty much had the same thing for breakfast the past month.” SAME. I don’t even know the time or day anymore because the routine is relatively the same – class, assignments, more assignments, another class, sleep, try and read, more sleep, sleep some more…

    I’m really had you enjoyed Shadow of the Fox! Hope you’re enjoying the sequel as well and May will be a good month for you.

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