Seriously, WHAT HAPPENED TO APRIL? I feel like we were just in March and *poof* it’s May. I keep saying “it’s April”. It isn’t. It’s May. A LOT has happened in the past month. Some good…some not so good. At this point the only reason I know what I had for breakfast is because I’ve pretty much had the same thing for breakfast the past month. Toast. And some variety of cream cheese. I don’t even know what is going on anymore. I do know what I read, however, so woo!

Books Read: 27
Books Hauled: whose counting anyways??! (It was 12.)
Book Reviews on Blog: 8
Other Posts: 12
ARCS Recieved: 7

I got back into doing some weekly memes, Goodreads Monday and WWW Wednesday specifically! I have enjoyed them. I reviewed 8 books this month. Some were older reviews, some were newer. I think I had a pretty good posting month, and I am happy with what I did!

Onto what I read! I had another great month of reading!

I had four five stars reads this month! Super exciting!

Not only did I have a great month in terms of reading, I started a Booktube Channel! You can find me here.

Keeping my fingers crossed for an awesome May!