The Cruel Prince

The Cruel Prince

Jude and her sisters witness their parents’ murder. They are then stolen away to live in Faerie. Years later Jude begins to fight back against the Faerie Prince Cardan. As she struggles she begins to become embroiled in intrigue and other deceptions, but she is a mortal in an immortal world.

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Stalking Jack the Ripper

Stalking Jack the Ripper

Audrey Rose is interested in the forensic sciences — despite the protestations of her family. And when the killings start Audrey Rose is determined to find the solution. Joined by the (intolerable) Thomas Cresswell, she sets off a chain of events not even she could imagine.

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The Silvered Serpents

The Silvered Serpents

When I was accepted for this ARC I was over the moon. Yet, I didn’t read it right away. Why? Because the release date is so far away! But, I decided I might as well read it now before it burns a hole in my pocket. It has also weaseled its way into my heart like its predecessor.

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Only Mostly Devastated

Only Mostly Devastated

First off, I want everyone to read this book the moment it comes out. It deserves so much love. I absolutely adored it. I was grinning from ear to ear while reading it, but I was also frowning and honestly I had such an amazing time reading it.

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Sea Witch Rising

Sea Witch Rising

Evie is the Sea Witch, and when a mermaid princess comes to her seeking help, she gives it for a price. This puts her on the bad side of the princess’s father. Meanwhile, Runa, the twin of the princess is desperate to save her sister and so she too asks the Sea Witch for help. Will they all manage to get what they want?<

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