The Queen’s Price

The Queen’s Price

First off — I was so ridiculously excited to be approved for this that I squealed. The Black Jewels Trilogy has been a series I’ve read from the time I was a teen — 15 years ago. In a way I’ve grown up with this series.

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The Foxglove King

The Foxglove King

Me: *hates love triangles* 

This book: *hold my mortem*

Okay, so this book was one of my most anticipated reads of 2023. I loved For the Wolf and For the Throne, and I was BEYOND thrilled when I got an ARC of this book. (Alas, waiting for the sequel is going to be absolute torture). 

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Stardust in Their Veins

Stardust in Their Veins

Hello my friends! Today I bring you good tidings. While book 1 in this series I liked but didn’t love, this one I really liked. There are quite a few repercussions in this book from book 1, and I was a bit sad as they played out. There was one part that made my heart ache so much.

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Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries

Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries

Holy smokes! I love anything to do with faeries, and I have since I was a little girl. With all the fae in books recently I felt that this was a refreshing take on them. (Not that there is anything wrong with the others, there isn’t).

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The Poison Season

The Poison Season

ATMOSPHERE. LOVE. DESPERATION. POISON. DEATH. HOPE. What more could you want from a book? Honestly, The Poison Season is fabulous. I enjoyed the author’s previous works, but this one is my favorite. I love the mysterious aspect of the magic and the island and what has happened in the past.

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A Fire Endless

A Fire Endless

THIS BOOK. I cannot express any emotions. I held my hands to my chest and sobbed at one part. Rebecca Ross is such a talented writer and I can’t wait for this book to be out in the wild. I thought that this was a stunning conclusion to this series. Honestly, it made me so emotional, and I had trouble writing this review because I really don’t want to spoil this book.

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