July 2021 Wrap-Up || the things I do for books

Well, well, well. I haven’t done a wrap up since March. Oops. But promise, I had a good reason. I’ve been just so busy with life! And reading. Also I sometimes forget I have a blog. I’ll try and be better. I’m sure you’re curious about how my month was, right?

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in which I am incapable of keeping to a schedule

I had the best intentions really, updating once a week. That meant four posts a month…but somehow I fell off the wagon. I can never remember to post my reviews (oops!) so I need to actually buckle down and create a schedule. Or pre-plan posts. Something.

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A Year In… // sequels this year

Welcome, welcome. This particular “A Year In” is dedicated to sequels. There were quite a few sequels out this year, which is always exciting. And it is only May, which means there are more yet to come. This post discusses the sequels I have read so far this year in hopes of finding out if I have any desire to read the remaining series, or give them a second chance.

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