Genre: romance
Age: YA
Thank you to Wednesday Books & NetGalley for an e-arc of this book!
First things first, I am obsessed with all things Arthurian, so I NEEDED to read this. Clearly, obviously.
Secondly, it was QUEER. Therefore I needed it even more. Also, the cover is to die for.
This book was hilarious on so many levels. The banter between all the characters just had me rolling every few minutes. I also loved how it made fun of some parts of the Arthurian Legend and made it even funnier.
Honestly, this is a book you just need to experience without reading too much about it, it’s full of surprises, sweet romance and laughter. There are of course a few moments of more darkness in this book, but overall the tone is lighthearted and fun.
It was such an easy read, and I just breezed through it, because I couldn’t put it down. This is a book that teens and adults are going to LOVE simply because it’s a rollicking good time. I would say there is definitely humor from like Knights Tale/Princess Bride type of movies, but queer. This book features m/m and f/f relationships, and all the characters are endearing. Even when they’re being obnoxious.
I loved the moments of friendship and family in this book, and just the solidarity between them. It was a lovely read and I HIGHLY recommend it.