Rick Test I will admit, I am almost brand new to the book blogging community, and I’m trying to find some more interaction, and this Sunday Post seems like a fabulous idea! I’m very glad to partake in it.

Not too much on the personal front. We were trapped inside for a few days because of Hurricane Dorian. Didn’t get out almost at all that week. It’s all good though, had a nice long mini-vacation that was really needed. I go back to work tomorrow, and that should be fun. I do love my job after all. (If you don’t know, I work in a rural library, and I spend a lot of time helping patrons with technology help and helping to plan programs to help engage the community.)
My insurance is still denying my new dosage of medication, which is a big pile of stinky! The doctors want to up the dosage to prevent me from having to have surgery again. So far, the insurance won’t give in.

I’m slowly trying to plan out a blogging schedule, but I did have a few blog posts this past week. Yay!
These are the blogs posts:
I’m thinking about participating in another couple memes. Any others that you would recommend?

I didn’t have a major book haul this week because a) wasn’t at work to get ANY OF MY BOOKS. and b) I was trying to conserve some money.
Yet, here are the two books that I purchased. One I got from thriftbooks (Daughter of the Pirate King) and I didn’t know it was an old library book, so it’s really stamped up. At least the outside is in relatively good condition.
And the second I got from one of my local used bookstores. I still don’t have the first, but it is on my list to buy!

I have a few things in progress, but my newest ventures include making book sleeves and zipper pouches. I’ve gotten a lot of tutorials/help/advice from my mother, who has been more than willing to help me on this new hobby of mine. I’m super grateful to her! Thanks, Mom!

I’ve made the image large so you can see what these are. From L-R: green black cat book sleeve with button closure, gingham book sleeve with inside snap closure, chevron book sleeve with button closure, pumpkin book sleeve with cloth closure and finally pumpkin zipper pouch.

A few last things — you can find me on twitter & instagram by using the links on the side of my blog. I’m also always more than happy for a chat, and I do use discord so feel free to e-mail me for the username!
Thanks for keeping with me on this very long post!
Have a happy Sunday!
We were also stuck inside for a few days waiting for Hurricane Dorian but am thankful we weren’t hit harder!
I love your sleeves! I make my own as well but my sewing machine is on the fritz right now so my new spooky material has to wait. 🙁
It could have been so much worse, and I’m so thankful it wasn’t. That was just a massive storm that doesn’t want to seem to die.
Thank you!!! On no!!!! I use my mom’s machine. It’s older than me at 30 years old! 😀 I’m so terrified I’m going to break it though! Spooky material is the best. I’d use it all year round if I could!
Welcome to the Sunday Post! Glad you joined us so I could find you. 🙂 I absolutely ADORE your kitty book sleeve—it is so incredibly cute!!
If you’re looking for other link-ups to find more interaction with the blogging community, Top Ten Tuesday is always great because lots of people participate. Also, I host a @ Book Blog Discussion Challenge if you ever write discussions and a Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up if you ever post month-end posts. I’d be happy for you to join either of them if you’re interested! 🙂
Thank you so much! I just adore cats, so I instinctively tend to go towards anything with cats on it! 😀
Those are some great suggestions and super helpful! I definitely am interested in the Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up because it is something I do every month!
And a Blog Discussion…I have some ideas floating around in my head I’d like to finalize but I am interested in that as well! I’ve bookmarked them both to come back to!
I’m super excited to get more involved in the book blogging community, I already am on instagram, so I want to expand some more and combine all my interests!!
Welcome to the book blogging community! I don’t participate in a lot of memes regularly, except for this one, but there are plenty of great ones to choose from.
Your pumpkin cases in particular are adorable, I’m sure the patrons at your library will snap them up!
Have a great reading week
Thank you!! Excited to be here!
I am particularly addicted to pumpkin/spooky things. (I wouldn’t be allowed to give them out at my library. I can show them off…but nothing to do with self-advertising.)
Thank you! You as well!!
Welcome Mere!!! I love those sleeves❤️❤️❤️.
Thank you! I not so secretly want to make more, but how many book sleeves does one person need? (The answer: several for every season + some extras. Now to make them all…)
Thoses book sleeves are so nice ! I can’t say which one I like better!
mmh- meme recommendations .. I do Down the tbr hole, I heart Characters (as of which I haven’t seen new prompts yet..), Off Tangent Thoughts and Friday Favorites!
Omg that sucks! Insurances are the worst .. part of which I don’t wanna take any for my dogs, as they are prone to back issues, if I need it chances are they’d be like “NOPE! pre-existing problem, here’s your money back” so erh. I hope it’d end well and they’d end up paying .. can’t you ask your doctor to send them a note or something?
Wow, a whole week ! Dorian only impacted us for a day, but then yesterday was pretty bad busy at work as people still didn’t gotten electricity so they all cramped up to get coffee .. some even were to only get some electricity today. As long as you’re all safe and sound and not too much damage as been done, it’s the most important!
I’ll have to go look at those, thanks!
They have to file an appeal, but it doesn’t mean the insurance will accept it. That’s the problem with US insurance…they’re out for the money, and are oft unwilling to work with their insured. I hate it so much. Almost every year I have to fight my insurance about something to do with my medical condition. It never ends!
Exactly! We had no damage and every one is safe. We too were super busy today! Everyone came in to get some books!
erhh .. that sucks ! darn insurance ? Goodluck with that!