Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews
Welcome to my third Sunday post!

This week was insane. I wanted to get some more posts up, but I wasn’t able to. We were running on a staff of two all week, and two of the days I was sent someone from another branch to help out. They’re good workers, but sometimes it is hard if it isn’t your own branch. Our public copier, and our printer both broke on the same day, so I spent about five hours dealing with that. It wasn’t fun. I already need a break again.

I have exactly two posts: my new review and my Top Ten Tuesday. But, I’ll still stick my most recent posts here.
- The Dark Mirror
- The King’s Messenger
- The Scorpion and the Night Blossom
- Wooing the Witch Queen
- Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales

I had a rather enormous book haul this week. So much so I had to switch up how I took photos. First off, my library haul! I’ve read three of these so far. Little Darlings (meh), Sheets (cute) and These Rebel Waves (my feelings are all over the place with this one.)

And my bought book haul is just as big this week…partly because I stopped at the used bookstore I love going to. And they had THREE books I was interested in reading. All $4 and under. I couldn’t resist. They were The Scorpio Races (I love the paperback version more than the hardback!), Illuminae (suggested to me over on bookstagram) and Of Fire and Stars. That one is interesting. I opened it in the car and a reader letter fell out. From Owlcrate!! I was so surprised. But when I think back, (and I wish I had gotten them) I think they had special cover editions of other books there. I really missed the boat on that one. So disappointed.

So…very excited to read These Witches Don’t Burn and Sky in the Deep, neither of which I’ve read before. Now. Wicked Saints. I was informed on twitter that something occurred with the author (and it wasn’t good). I debated on whether or not to keep the book, even though I liked it. I spent all week agonizing over my decision. I ended up keeping it, but it reminded me as a consumer, I probably do need to be more aware of what is going on.
On that note, are there any authors you like to follow on twitter?

Exciting news! My self-hosted website is being constructed now. I’m still trying to decide on a header image and colors. I keep changing my mind. I want a crisp, clean, simple look. But I love purple and green, and I’m trying to decide if I want to use those colors, or do something warmer. I have no idea!

Not much in terms of last things today, but I’ll be very happy when we actually get fall. I am so ready for it! Happy Sunday all!
I’m sorry you had such an insane week. I loved Illuminae!
I can’t wait to start it! I’ve heard really good things! (And normally I’m not a big Sci-Fi person!)
I hope this week isn’t as crazy! And congrats on switching to a self-hosted site. Hope that goes smoothly for you 🙂
Thank you! So far it’s going well. I’m doing my theme from scratch, so that’s going to be the longest part!
What awesome bargains, it’s really rare to find hardcover books in thrift stores here,
Have a great reading week
Thank you! This one seems to deal mostly in hardbacks (or at least a large percentage) which is super nice!