Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews

It’s December 1st! My birthday is on the 10th, and I am so excited! Not for getting older, but just because I get to have a fun dinner with my family (hopefully). But it also means it is holiday season! I’m a generally really cheerful person, and my mother and I both adore decorating, so we love decorating in the winter. It is a lot of fun. Especially when we get our tree.

On the other hand my Crohn’s Disease is in a minor flare up and I’ve been fighting that the past few days, and it stinks because I am so uncomfortable. At least I have today to rest up before I go back to work.  

Life has been good otherwise!

There Will Come a Darkness — Book Review

Date: November 30th 2019

The Merciful Crow — Book Review
Date: November 25th 2019

I don’t have any pictures of my book haul, I forgot to take them this week, but I did get my entire book outlet order in, as well as two other books I’d ordered. And then I bought a book for me that was on sale. Here  are my bought books!

As far as library goes, I didn’t get too many, but it was enough!

I made a few book sleeves! It was a lot of fun, and I’ll post the images on here later at some point. We’re almost done with making our family gifts, and we’re planning on decorating the house today. Exciting stuff!

I hope you all had a lovely week, and that this coming week is good to you!  Let me know your favorite books this week!