Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews

Definitely not too much going on right now, just Christmas related things. I honestly have nothing much to put here other than I’ve gotten obsessed with playing Assassins Creed: Odyssey. I really want to finish it!

#BEWinter19: Christmas book Wishlist

Date: December 20th 2019
Slayer — Book Review
Date: December 19th 2019
Little Universes — Book Review
Date: December 16th 2019


When I will get to these, I don’t know!

Bought Books

The Song of Achilles is UK paperback edition! I found it in my local used bookstore, and so I was really happy about that! Six of Crows is a hardback I got there too! Couldn’t resist!

What am I reading? I’m probably going to start on the ARC “What I Like About Me” next! And Winterwood. Hopefully.

I wish you all Happy Holidays! Enjoy your time with your family & friends!