Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Teen for a copy of the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
I am never more pleased than when I can write a glowing five-star review about a book. This book is going to be amazing for many people, and not only that, I feel that it captures so much in its pages. I started reading the book and about 3% in I was crying. Why was I crying? I was crying because we open with something that brought back such good, and excellent memories of things I used to love. And the book only got better.
If I could describe the wording in one word…no, I can’t. Impossible. Klune is a fabulous writer. There is something that is relatable and charged in his writing. This book can be read by adults, but I felt so strongly that this book will resonate with today’s teens, there are so many references to things in this book that even I am aware of. Lots of cult classic references…there was a lot to love jam packed into this book.
I will admit, at first, I worried, because I am never sure. But the pacing in this one was fantastic, but I think in part it is because you sort of know what is going on…and well…it worked. I have a tough time discussing the pacing of this novel without giving too much away.
I cannot talk about the plot of this book too much, because it would give so much away! Suffice to say all the characters in this book are awesome and the plot rocks. If you like superheroes, and fanfiction, and weird cultural references, then you’ll love the plot of this book. Literally, I cannot say anything about this plot, other than Nick is terribly adorable, and well…that’s all!!!
I feel like my plot section bled into my character section, but the characters were very much the plot. Seth, Nick, Gibby and Jazz…can I love them any more than I do? No. NO. Because they are amazing. They are so personable, and real and there. They have these quirks and this friendship that is amazing. But it isn’t perfect and I adore it. I love the naturalness of their conversations, of their interactions…it brought back some memories for me.
This book does a lot of that. I felt absolutely absorbed in this book because of these amazing characters and their relationships.
Nick also has ADHD, and I thought it was great to have that type of representation. Also, pretty much everyone is queer. (It’s awesome.)
Nova City is very reminiscent of typical superhero cities, but it also feels like a real city in this world, and the combination of that, and superhero powers worked for me.
I love Klune’s writing and books so much, and this just solidifies how amazing of a writer he is. I laughed and cried my way through this book, and I will be buying this as soon as I can! If you love clueless romance, superheroes, funny jokes, weird moments or great friendships, this is the book for you. There are some darker moments, but overall, a lighthearted and splendid book.