Welcome to my stop on the Blog Tour for The Faithless Hawk, run by TBR And Beyond Tours! I’m so very excited to be part of this amazing tour and group!

The first book in this series – well that book was amazing. I had no idea what to expect going into this one. Mostly because it had been a bit, and I worried I would have trouble dropping into this book from that. I need not have worried, because apparently the last one made such an impact it was still quite clear for me when I read this one. There were a few parts I had to really search my memory on though. Overall, I was so excited to get back into this world and see what Owen was going to deliver to us this time.
I really do not have the words for this book. I sat for probably a good ten minutes staring into nothing after I finished the book. I could not even think properly after that! I was stunned into silence and then into a book hangover. So very rarely do I think second books surpass the first – sometimes I feel like there is a struggle. But this book…this book was just as good, if not better, than the first book. I mean, yeah, there were parts where I was grinding my teeth and practically screaming at the characters. It was hair tearing intense.
Owen is a master storyteller. There are moments in this book where you’re on the edge of your seat and you cannot stop reading. I certainly couldn’t. But I adore Owen’s writing style. I find it easy to read and delightful. It sucks me in, and the pacing always works really well for me throughout this book. In fact, it has some of the best pacing I’ve ever read.
You know how sometimes authors split up characters and most of it is annoying and eye roll inducing? And sometimes hard to keep track of? Yeah, not the case here. At no point did I feel that it was annoying or eye roll worthy. In fact I loved how it happened. It worked so well for the plot of the book. Speaking of the plot of the book I never knew which way the book was going to go. I had many FEELINGS during entirety of this book. As in I was practically weeping at one part. Also, you already know about the screaming.
This book is one large emotional rollercoaster ride. It was!!! Just something that I cannot even speak about. I’m still struggling to wrap my mind around this book. So perhaps I need to wrap this up will bullet points.
-Fie. An amazing character. I love her. Adore her. My fave.
-Tavin. Yes. Good. Love him too.
-Jasimir. Again, love him.
-Khoda. He’s grown on me. Love him.
-Barf. CLEARLY the best character.
-Really, no character was bad. I felt that they were all well developed.
-Now, the plot was great. The plot in this one worked SO WELL and I love how things tied together at the end. It made me very happy.
-Honestly, if you’ve read the first one, you need to read this one. It is the perfect conclusion to this series. I would love short stories about the afterwards. I think it would be really cool. Or prequel stories. I’m actually quite invested in this world, and I am not ready to leave it yet.
The end.
P.S. 5/5 stars for this book. Seriously.
Favorite Quotes
“The dead gods, though, had denied the Crows a Birthright of their own.”
“The truth was, it had never gotten easier to deal mercy to sinners. But sometimes, they made it easier.”
“It would remember the choices Fie had made. Every last one.”
“Wounds became scars, pain tempered to bitter wisdom, and from the embers of her grief always, always rose rage.”
“For another, the teeth of the living always sang louder than those of the dead.”
Book Links
Book Depository
Barnes & Noble
Author Info

Born and raised at the end of the Oregon Trail, Margaret Owen first encountered an author in the wild in fourth grade. Roughly twenty seconds later, she decided she too would be an author, the first of many well-thought-out life decisions.
The career plan shifted frequently as Margaret spent her childhood haunting the halls of Powell’s Books. After earning her degree in Japanese, her love of espresso called her north to Seattle, where she worked in everything from thrift stores to presidential campaigns. The common thread between every job can be summed up as: lessons were learned.
Fortunately, it turned out that fourth-grade Margaret was onto something. She now spends her days wrestling disgruntled characters onto the page, and negotiating a long-term hostage situation with her two monstrous cats. (There is surprisingly little difference between the two.) In her free time, she enjoys exploring ill-advised travel destinations, and raising money for social justice nonprofits through her illustrations.
Tour Schedule
To see the rest of the tour schedule please click here!
Prize: Finished copies of The Merciful Crow and The Faithless Hawk (US and Canada Only)
Start date: August 23rd, 2020
End date: August 29th, 2020
a Rafflecopter giveaway