Series: The Scorched Throne #1
Genre: Fantasy
Age: Adult
Thank you to Orbit for an ARC of this book!
*incoherent screaming* THIS BOOK *more screaming*
It has been a hot minute since I’ve found a lost princess book that I well and truly loved, but The Jasad Heir hits all the right notes for me. Sylvia is now probably one of my favorite characters. She’s feisty, but she is also reserved. And I love that combination in her, because to me, (and this is a good thing!) she reminded me much of Celaena. Now, we all know how much I adore Throne of Glass, so whatever you’re thinking, no, this is not really in any way like that series. It stands on it’s own beautifully.
The world that Hashem has created is magnificent. I absolutely fell in love with it, and wanted to know so much more about it. We also have all these tiny plot threads twisting together to form a bigger narrative, and it is done well.
This book was also nuanced, and the characters aren’t black or white, they’re shades of grey, which are some of my very favorites. And to add, Sylvia and Arin’s relationship throughout the book? Perfect. I have no other way to describe it. It was honestly some of the best enemies-to-lovers that I’ve read, because I felt the pacing and tension of their relationship was excellent. It made the book work for me.
You also have some very loveable side characters, all of whom were also developed well. This book doesn’t stick with one antagonist, and nothing is clear cut. That is what makes this book so spectacular. You have characters with motivations, with desires, hopes, dreams and fears. These characters all felt fully developed and as if they could actually exist.
I honestly absolutely loved and adored this book, and I am desperate to get my hands on the next book, because I need to know what happens next!