Hi all! Back with #3 after a break in May! I got busy with the closing of one semester and the opening of another. But once more I bring you a throwback book series!
The series featured today is by Mercedes Lackey and takes place in her Valdemar world. It’s the Last Herald Mage. And it’s gay. Appropriate for the start of Pride Month I thought.
Anyways, much like my other picks this book falls into the category of very 80’s fantasy fiction. Much action and adventure, quests, big evils. But it is SO FUN. I loved this series from start to finish. I will warn you, there are some really dark and really sad moments in this series. I bawled my eyes out several times. This was very Song of Achilles like. I do want to read the rest of the Valdemar world, but this was a great introduction to the series for me. Plus, gays, magic, what more could I possibly want from a series?
It’s also got these great old covers:

Anyways! Please check this series out if you’re looking into older queer fantasy!
No throwback insta photo today!