November Monthly Wrap-Up

Overall Books Read: 32

Fiction: 31

Non-Fiction: 1

ARCS Received: 1

Books Bought: 34 (18 of which I got for free. So really, 16.)

Favorite Books:

Least Favorite Books:

Nonfiction Books:

Fiction Books:

Blog Posts

There Will Come a Darkness — Book Review
Date: November 30th 2019
The Merciful Crow — Book Review
Date: November 25th 2019
Sunday Post: November 24, 2019
Date: November 24th 2019
Sunday Post: November 17, 2019
Date: November 17th 2019
Ruthless Gods — Book Review
Date: November 12th 2019
October Monthly Wrap Up
Date: November 11th 2019
Sunday Post, November 10, 2019
Date: November 10th 2019
When Printers Go to Die (or at least try) — Library Shenanigans
Date: November 8th 2019
Gideon the Ninth
Date: November 6th 2019
The Babysitter’s Coven
Date: November 4th 2019
November 3rd, 2019
Date: November 3rd 2019

My Thoughts

Overall I had a great month! I had A LOT of two star reviews this month. Crier’s War, Gideon the Ninth and Sea Witch Rising were the ones I was most disappointed in. People really loved Crier’s War and Gideon but they definitely were not for me. I just didn’t connect with them at all. On the other hand I had some amazing reads this month that I absolutely loved!

December Reading Hopes

I want to pace myself a bit more this month. Try not to read as many. I’m aiming for under 30, but we’ll see if I succeed, especially because I have time off this month again. These include arcs, but here are some of the books I’m hoping to get through this month:

How was your month? What are you most looking forward to this month? Let me know in the comments!

12 thoughts on “November Monthly Wrap-Up”

  1. Oh my – that’s an insane amount of reading done in November! It’s a shame you didn’t like Crier’s War or Ninth House so much, they’ve been so hyped and popular recently. Hopefully December is better!

    1. Thank you! Yes, neither were really to my tastes at all. In some ways I never would have read it if I hadn’t gotten it in an OwlCrate box.

  2. that’s quite some nice stats ! I could never read 32 books in a month, oh my ?
    Sorry to hear you got lots of 2stars though :/

    Only mostly devasted looks good, and it sounded better in my head definately is on my virtual wanna read ! Hoping you have better luck in December for better books xx

    1. Thank you so much! Only Mostly Devastated was soooo good. I’m enjoying it sounded better in my head right now. It definitely has some humor in it!

    1. I was SO GLAD when that’s the one I got. I’m hoping it’s going to be as good as it sounds! I’m keeping my fingers crossed. So far so good!

    1. Thank you! And I just can’t figure out why I wasn’t a fan of it. I am so picky with my sci-fi, and there was nothing bad about it (other than the expectations I had when I went into it) but I’m guessing it just wasn’t my thing??

  3. Something has told me not to read Warcross! I had it checked out from the library for a while, but never got around to actually wanting to read it; I just get the feeling I won’t like it either! You went wild with your reading last month – 32 reads is awesome! I added Sadie to my POPSUGAR challenge for 2020 – I’m excited to read it!

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