Today’s prompt was from Laurie @ Laurie’s Bookshelf, and was this:

December is here and that means it’s time to look back on the past year. How was your 2019 regarding books? Did you haul too many books? Did you have a great reading year? Too many (E)ARCs left? And did you pass your reading challenge? Furthermore, it’s time to look forward. What goals would you like to reach in the last month of 2019? Certain books you want to read before 2020 is upon us? Do you have reading goals for 2020? So, let’s reflect on your bookish 2019!

This Past Year

Okay, so I didn’t get into book blogging/bookstagram until July-ish. And I didn’t start getting books until then either. So most of this is relatively new for me. But I was still reading before then. I also just started doing E-Arcs, and have had so much fun and some success with them. I just got approved for 2 more, and one I am desperate to read (but need to wait until I finish the others first.)

I had a reading goal of 300. I have already met and surpassed that as I am loitering at about 490 books at the moment. I’ll clear 500 by the end of the year for sure. I feel a little bit bad about it, because people tell me it is impossible to read that much in a year, but I can. It’s just a matter of me remembering to record it.

I hauled…a lot of books. I think I’m clearing something about 85 books right now that I own. I only buy books I really like or love, so it helps my book buying. I also started OwlCrate and that is addictive!

In both those senses I had a great reading year. I’m happy overall with it! I mean, I would ideally love to make this my job, but that isn’t happening, (also I like my job) and so I shall keep doing it for fun!

The Future

There are a few books I would like to finish this month; but not too many. One is an e-arc, and the rest are physical arcs I got at YALLFEST. I also have some library books I’d like to finish. I’m going to try and avoid putting anything else on hold in December to finish up what I have in ebook, earc and physical book world.

Next years reading goal is going to be 300 again. I wonder if I can read less? (I don’t think so) But it seems like a good number, high for me, but not too high in case I take a break. We’re going to go with it!

I need to create a book budget, and I don’t know what to do. Do I count OC in? Do I not? I’ve got a lot to think about in regards to that.

This post is a little short, but hey, I’m writing it in the evening after a long and busy day at work!

BookEnding Winter is run by Clo @ Cuppa Clo and Sam @ Fictionally Sam. More information can be found here .