The City of Stardust

The City of Stardust

The comp titles for this book are “Ten Thousand Doors of January” and “The Starless Sea” and those comps definitely ring true for this book. It was nothing like I expected — but in a good way.

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The Night Hunt

The Night Hunt

Christo does villainous female main characters so well, or dark ones, however you want to phrase it. They’re some of my favorites written, because I’d call them the “stabby heroine” type, which I adore.

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The Hollow Plane

The Hollow Plane

I haven’t really read a gaslamp fantasy in a long time, and I was excited to dig into this one. The beginning was definitely intriguing and kept my attention.

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All The Hidden Paths

All The Hidden Paths

I was very excited to dive back into this world, and while I thought the last book had been wrapped up nicely, it was still enjoyable to get another adventure.

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The Curse of Penryth Hall

The Curse of Penryth Hall

I was SO EXCITED to dig into this book. It promised all sorts of goodies…and it delivered! Imagine me cheering right now, because man oh man did it DELIVER. It was everything I could have wanted and then some!

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