Hello all! Back in May 2020, I wrote a post about my bookstagram. Most of the images don’t work anymore, so I thought it was about time for me to update you on my bookstagram and what has changed on it. I’ve learned a lot in the year plus (Note: 3 years…) since I last wrote about it. Mostly I learned what I liked and what I didn’t like — and I also learned something very important.
We are allowed to change our themes and not have a set style!
As much as I would love to have a set style, I find it almost impossible for me. I start looking at what I’ve posted and becoming unhappy with it. Either due to filter’s, or just how my photos look. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others, and I’m working on it.
It’s hard.
There is no doubt about it — running a bookstagram can be difficult for a multitude of reasons. But it’s also important to have fun. And when it is no longer fun, then why are we doing it? That is something I try and keep in mind as I go along. I want to have fun doing this. I don’t want it to be a chore.
Author’s Note: This original introduction was written back in 2021…it is now 2023. So…
Fast forward to 2023, and the above still holds true. I still am the same as above, but now I’m content with myself and where I am in my journey. I thought I would share some of my favorite posts of mine (not those with necessarily high engagement, just ones I liked, and ones I was passionate about) over the years.
2019 feels so long ago! But I still really love the simplicity and composition of this photo.
The first bookstagram made me do it book — and still one of my favorite books to this day.
I feel like my caption says it all. ðŸ˜
My first YALLFEST 💖
I learned B&N did Special Editions too. Alas, my wallet.
My pinecone addiction started about here and never ended.
500 followers! And also when organizing by rainbow wasn’t so annoying and a lot easier. 4 years ago.
I really like this photo. Alas, those lovely smelling candles have been years gone.
Ah, COVID. It’s also right after I found this used bookstore, which is, alas, now closed.
My obsession with JLA books began earlier that year (2020). Thanks, Niki!
When I made my first funko pop!
This was my profile pic for a loooong time.
This photoshoot. My mother helped, but mad, the dress barely fit and it was HOT.
To this day, she still wants to rip up cardboard.
I’m still a Charlie girlie!
I’m just here for the pretty books at this point!
I want to add — Sky, our beloved family cat, passed away in 2021. One of my very first posts featured him:
You also see Circe, my black cat, crop up a few times in photos over the years. Most notably, she was usually getting in my way. (and still is, to be honest)
And of course, ever beloved Poppy, who actually got a photo in this feature. She came to me in December 2022.
Thank you to all my good friends I’ve made along the way: two groups in particular.
Sisterhood – you guys are awesome. You are the light in my life, and I love you all. The past several years has been absolutely amazing, and I look forward to spending time with you guys in the future.
Potato Book Club – you guys come through! I’m so glad I met you all, and I am absolutely stoked to see what comes next for us! You’re all beautiful people and I’m so glad to have met you.
The rest of you, who support and encourage me (usually to buy more books), I’m so grateful to you.
The authors and publishers, I wouldn’t be able to do this without you — thank you for allowing me all these amazing opportunities and I look forward to so many more!
In 2023, I ran out of shelf space in my room, so we moved my library from my room to the dining room. Which now exists as a dining room/library.
Really, this last block of space belongs to my parents. (Especially because I still live with them and they have to put up with me and my eccentricities)
My mother, THANK YOU for being so supportive of this weird hobby. I wanted to learn to sew to make book sleeves and cloaks. You taught me. Thank you for being willing to do the weirdest stuff for photos. For all the advice and good humor along the way. For going to all these book events and standing in line for me, THANK YOU. It was fun, and I want to keep doing it. Thank you for indulging me in all my crafty hobbies, from the funko pops, to spraying book edges (and now) using a cricut machine. You’re superwoman. Seriously.
My father, who does a lot of the backend site work, like making sure my site doesn’t come down. Or fixing when I inevitably mess up the SCSS. Sorry about that. Again.
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