March 2020 Wrap-Up

Suffice to say, I read a lot this month. I had spring break for a week so I did several readathons on my own to get through a backlog of ARCs. I was highly successful in them all.

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February 2020 Wrap-Up

It’s that time of month: the monthly wrap-up! I’m putting this in a slightly different format than before. We’ll see how it works out! ?

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Myths About Libraries

Recently it has come to my attention that there are still pervasive stereotypes and myths about libraries and what you can and can’t do in them. I work in a library, and I have come to dispel some myths about libraries. Now, this is relevant to the library system I work in, and may not be the case for all systems.

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January Wrap-Up

I’m only like, a week late with this. #sorrynotsorry Hi, my name is Mere, and I am addicted to books. I may or may not spend too much money and/or time on them. Moving on to my wrap up! Overall Books Read: 25 Fiction: 24 Non-Fiction: 1 ARCS Received: 4 Books...

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