It’s that time of month: the monthly wrap-up! I’m putting this in a slightly different format than before. We’ll see how it works out! ?

This month I read twenty-two books!! It was a really mixed bag for February. I had some that I really loved and others that I was just “eh” about. I’m going to feature a few I liked!

What I Read!

What I Liked

Wicked As You Wish ? ? ? ? ? (Goodreads Review)
A River of Royal Blood ? ? ? ? ? (Blog Review)
Blood Heir ? ? ? ? (Blog Review)
The Name of All Things ? ? ? ? (Goodreads Review)

Blog Posts

I did mostly reviews this month! I’m hoping to start changing that up a bit more this month!

Last Thoughts

Not a bad month overall! I found a few books I really liked, and that makes me happy! I didn’t go crazy and buy a whole lot of books this month, so I’m pleased about that.

What about you? How was your month?