Suffice to say, I enjoyed this book immensely. I think it combines a lot of interesting things together and it breathes a new, different, take into Arthurian Myth from a Black perspective. One of the things I appreciated most about this book was getting a look through Bree’s eyes at how things were happening and occurring. I will also admit, that is some of where I had some of the biggest issues, where I will expand upon later. In the end, this is a solid 4 star book and I am so excited for the sequel.
I want to start the (minimal) parts I didn’t love. The first is that the magic systems are a little confusing, and I feel like they weren’t totally explained in parts. However, I was really intrigued by it at the same time. I really loved the parts that had to do with rootcraft and I am eager to see that expanded upon more in the next book, because that’s one of the parts I REALLY enjoyed with this book.
The second thing that was a bit “eh” was the pacing/length of this novel. The beginning was really absorbing as was the end. Parts in the middle felt a little too drawn out, and I feel that it could have been more concise in parts.
Okay! Moving on to the parts I liked! I loved thinking about Arthurian/Order magic from a different perspective, and I think there is a lot in this book that uses fantasy to bring up colonization and slavery throughout the entire book. I liked that there were two different magic systems, and I like that they were so different, and this did feel very much a good vs evil type of book, yet, it was very nuanced. I can’t wait to see where these magic systems go.
I liked all the characters in this book and I especially enjoyed Sel and Bree. I think they were my favorites, and Bree is such a strong character. Things that I didn’t mind, but also didn’t love, was this…love triangle that was forming. I am not a fan of love triangles in the first place, so I am a little leery of this one at the moment. Right now, it seems okay. But I will hold judgement.
What else did I love? I don’t know…as someone who grew up obsessed with Arthurian Myth I LOVE this take on it.
Oh! I also thought the writing was fantastic! I adored it from the very first! I can’t wait for the sequel!
Great review! I’m looking forward to giving this one a try because I got my October Owlcrate the other day and this gorgeous book was in it 😍 A lot of people said they loved it and it sounds like such a unique perspective as well!
yay! I really liked it!