Overall Books Read: 32

Fiction: 31

Non-Fiction: 1

ARCS Received: 1

Books Bought: 34 (18 of which I got for free. So really, 16.)

Favorite Books:

Least Favorite Books:

Nonfiction Books:

Fiction Books:

Blog Posts

There Will Come a Darkness — Book Review
Date: November 30th 2019
The Merciful Crow — Book Review
Date: November 25th 2019
Sunday Post: November 24, 2019
Date: November 24th 2019
Sunday Post: November 17, 2019
Date: November 17th 2019
Ruthless Gods — Book Review
Date: November 12th 2019
October Monthly Wrap Up
Date: November 11th 2019
Sunday Post, November 10, 2019
Date: November 10th 2019
When Printers Go to Die (or at least try) — Library Shenanigans
Date: November 8th 2019
Gideon the Ninth
Date: November 6th 2019
The Babysitter’s Coven
Date: November 4th 2019
November 3rd, 2019
Date: November 3rd 2019

My Thoughts

Overall I had a great month! I had A LOT of two star reviews this month. Crier’s War, Gideon the Ninth and Sea Witch Rising were the ones I was most disappointed in. People really loved Crier’s War and Gideon but they definitely were not for me. I just didn’t connect with them at all. On the other hand I had some amazing reads this month that I absolutely loved!

December Reading Hopes

I want to pace myself a bit more this month. Try not to read as many. I’m aiming for under 30, but we’ll see if I succeed, especially because I have time off this month again. These include arcs, but here are some of the books I’m hoping to get through this month:

How was your month? What are you most looking forward to this month? Let me know in the comments!