Twin Crowns

Twin Crowns

What can I say but WOW? Because this book was *chef’s kiss* amazing. At first I was a bit nervous on how this plot was going to go, but I LOVED it. I loved every inch of this book. And THAT ENDING. I need book two in my hands ASAP. I’m not going to survive until I know what happens next. 

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Nettle & Bone

Nettle & Bone

So I have previously rated Kingfisher’s books three stars. And this one sounded really good to me. It had all the hallmarks of being a book that would keep my attention. As a note, this book has horror components as do most of Kingfisher’s works, but the horror in this book takes place in a fantasy world that is much like a fairy tale. Grimm fairy tales really.

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March 2022 Monthly Wrap-Up

It has been a HOT MINUTE since I did a wrap-up, and this one is going to be pretty boring for the most part. Somehow in the span of a 31 day month I only read 17 books? WHAT? you ask. Mere, your usual reading is something like 25+ books.

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City of Dusk

City of Dusk

I love a good epic/high fantasy, and the description of this book sounded so good. And like something that I would really enjoy. As anyone knows, adult fantasy often comes with a lot of worldbuilding. It’s got the time for it, and the need for it. From the first moment we are thrown into a vibrant world, wherein not too much is explained.

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