You Should See Me in a Crown

You Should See Me in a Crown

I’ve been excitedly waiting to get my hands on a copy of this book, so I was so pleased when I did. I’d heard nothing but good things about it, and they were all true. It definitely lived up to my expectations and it was truly a delightful story. There is something to be said for a book that gives you so much and does it well! I felt that this book hit all the right marks and is a four star read.

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The Princess Will Save You

The Princess Will Save You

The Princess Will Save You was such an interesting take on the damsel in distress trope. It was magnificent in many ways (and that ending!!!) because it took the idea of being a Princess and did something more with it. Yes, the Princess wears dresses but she can also fight! I really loved the components of this book and how they all meshed together. I will admit, this was one of my most anticipated reads and I was seriously worried that it wasn’t going to live up to my expectations, but it really was a brilliant book and I very much enjoyed reading it.

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This Coven Won’t Break

This Coven Won’t Break

This sequel! I am finally reading it! And I am so excited because I LOVED the first book! Much like the first book this was a four star read for me. There were a lot of things about this book I enjoyed! In some ways I liked parts of this better than the first book, and parts of the first book better than this one. It is so hard not to compare them because I feel like they both follow a similar formula that really works for this series overall. There was nothing overly negative that I have to say about this book.

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Ghost Wood Song

Ghost Wood Song

Thank you to the author for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Do you like atmospheric books? Do you like music? Folk music? Blues? Do you like queer characters? Bi characters? Do you like paranormal books? Books with ghosts? Creepy books? If you answer was yes to any of the above questions, then this book should be on your radar. This book had all of those things, and I highly suggest you check it out if that appeals to you. It certainly appealed to me, and I really enjoyed the book. I think it was absolutely well done from beginning to end. There is little more I love than an atmospheric book that can draw me in!

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More Than Maybe

More Than Maybe

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book, and I’m still not quite sure what I read, mostly because I felt I wasn’t totally liking the book at times. There were parts I really enjoyed and others I was just “meh” on. Overall, I think it was a good book, but nothing I thought was totally memorable for me personally. In the end I unfortunately don’t have much to say about the book as I felt that it was good for passing time, and a cute read.

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A Song of Wraiths and Ruin

A Song of Wraiths and Ruin

Details Author: Roseanne A. BrownSeries: A Song of Wraiths and RuinSeries #: 1Genre: fantasyAge Group: young adultARC?: no Book Description For Malik, the Solstasia festival is a chance to escape his war-stricken home and start a new life with his sisters in the...

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