

First off, Gild is my new obsession. I am literally obsessed with it (and the entire series). I was a little nervous going into it, but I am so glad that I read it. It has quickly become one of my favorite adult indie fantasies. It deserves all the praise that it gets, and rightfully so! T

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Her Soul To Take

Her Soul To Take

e, and was quite well written. This was another Lauren recommendation, and I’m so glad that I picked it up. It was a fairly quick read overall, and was on KU which made me happy. I originally gave this three stars, but on further thinking I think it’s between a three and four stars for me.

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House of Hollow

House of Hollow

I’ve recently started to like horror books more and more. Not if they’re more dystopian though, so when I saw the cover for this one I was very intrigued and curious. I waited quite a bit before I read it because I was so hesitant. I read Horrid last year and I liked it, but wasn’t blown away. This book and cover reminded me a bit of that.

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Gods & Monsters

Gods & Monsters

I think as the conclusion to a series Mahurin did an excellent job of wrapping up the series and getting us to a place where it may not be super happy, but was happy enough. I feel that had the ending been over happy that it wouldn’t have fit with the overall tone and theme of the previous books.

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The Prison Healer

The Prison Healer

This was a Fairyloot book, and it is STUNNING. Gorgeous, beautiful. No words! Anyways, you guys are here for an actual book review, right?! Maybe not. The Prison Healer was unexpectedly wonderful. I didn’t know what I was getting into when I started this book. This book is fabulous on so many levels. It doesn’t have the same type of theme/concept as other YA books, so it was a bit different of a read, which I really enjoyed about it.

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For the Wolf

For the Wolf

I absolutely adored For the Wolf. Books that have mysterious forests and creatures set in a fantasy world? Y e p. I love it. Those are some of my favorite things, and this book contained them! Therefore, it was a given that I would like this book. And did I! I was a bit hesitant at first, and I don’t know why – maybe I was worried it wasn’t going to live up to my expectations, but it did!

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