Extraordinary Book Titles

This weekly meme was created by That Artsy Reader Girl. Another week...another one I struggled with! Extraordinary book titles...I don't know what makes a book title extraordinary, so I'm just going to list some titles I absolutely love. Wild Magic (also I just love...

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Sunday Post #4 (for me at least!)

Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews Normally, I'm pretty chill. 90% of the time I can deal with everything that comes my way, but I had an utter mental breakdown at work yesterday. I had been told my medication (for my autoimmune...

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Top Ten Tuesday — Books On My Fall 2019 TBR

This weekly meme was created by That Artsy Reader Girl. Well, on one hand, this list could be super long. But I am so excited to share with you ten books on my fall TBR list! Yep. This is pretty much tied with the next book at #1 for most excited for. Seriously....

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Sunday Post #3

Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews Welcome to my third Sunday post! This week was insane. I wanted to get some more posts up, but I wasn't able to. We were running on a staff of two all week, and two of the days I was sent someone from another...

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