Author:     Helen Hollick   
Genre:    Historical Fiction   
Pages:    592   
Format:   E-book   

Description: Harold Godwinesson will be the last Saxon King of England. This is his story, from England in a time of turmoil before 1066 and the Norman Conquest up until the last fight to keep the Saxon rulers in power. This book delves into the political upheaval caused by an ineffectual king’s ability to choose an heir to England.


I love a good historical fiction, and this one was really well done! We all know about the Norman Conquest and after — but we don’t talk a lot about the original kings. And this book focuses on the time before the Norman’s up until the Norman Conquest.

The last Saxon king, Harold, is a character you root for (despite knowing what happens) and the writing was so well done that it felt so real. Hollick uses amazing imagery to recreate the old world. She has crafted an amazing historical fiction book, and you’re going to be desperate to keep reading until you get to the last page.

This was such a great read, and I know I’m going to put this on a list of historical fiction books that people must read — enchanting and hopeful, this book is a world apart from others.