Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews
A little late today, sorry! I’ve had a lot of stuff going on.

Today has been really busy, but also a really successful week as well. My doctors bombarded my insurance with proof of why I needed an upped dose of medication, and the approval went through! Hurrah! So that was super good news for the week!
I also spent all of today rearranging my room (it is awesome, by the way!) and painted my black bookshelf a lovely grey color. Also, I’m doing some more halloween-y things. Yay!

As far as blogging goes, I didn’t do too much this week. Still learning about blog hopping and trying to network with new people and make friends! It’s been a blast so far!
Here are the most recent posts:
- Nightstrider
- Practical Rules For Cursed Witches
- Serpent Sea
- Beyond Those Gilded Walls
- A Sorceress Comes To Call

Book haul! I had a really good week at the library (haven’t read any of them yet, though) and an okay week in terms of bought books.

These two had been delayed by the hurricane, but now they’re here!

This is the shelf before and after! Circe, my lovely little demon child loves to sit in it when my books aren’t on it.

Well, I hope you all have a fabulous week! I’m very excited for things to come, and I’m really looking forward to making some new friends!
Glad you got the approval for your medication. Insurance can be so frustrating!
It can! I’ll be glad not to have to do this again for another year!!