It has been a HOT MINUTE since I did a wrap-up, and this one is going to be pretty boring for the most part. Somehow in the span of a 31 day month I only read 17 books? WHAT? you ask. Mere, your usual reading is something like 25+ books.

I know, I know. The horror of it all. Absolutely unbelievable. I can’t account for what happened this past month. The only way I can conceive of what happened is I went into a reading slump and didn’t come out of it. (Okay, this is still slightly true. I’m having trouble reading anything at this moment.)

How to explain this past month? Well, let’s do a brief overview.

Read Books

[table id=1 /]

Feel free to sort the table however you like. You’ll notice I didn’t read a lot of books, but 29% of them were 5 star reads. So that is pretty amazing to be honest! I’m quite happy with how many I had.

Read ARCs

[table id=2 /]

ARCs Recieved

On the Blog

I posted 2 times on my blog in March. Whoops.

Around and About

I’ve been busy with school, I’m taking my research seminar and a collection development course. They end this month! Then I have 2 final classes and I’ll be done with grad school. I’ve applied to a Youth Librarian Position, which is exciting!

I’ve been keeping my instagram updated. I also have one for Poppy now too that you can follow!

It’s at wolfie.poppy.


Thus concludes my March 2022 wrap up!