This weekly meme was created by That Artsy Reader Girl.

YES this list is going to be soooooo much fun to write out. Because I am incessantly eating or drinking while reading. (Or doing anything really.) The number one spot is thrillingly easy to fill. (Now that I’m writing this I’m going to make some…)

  1. Hot Chocolate/Cocoa – YUM. My favorite drink almost ever. I would drink it year round and all day if I could. (I am seriously going to make some now)
  2. Hot Tea – with lots and lots of sugar. Did I mention sugar?
  3. Iced/Sweet Tea – do you sense a theme yet?
  4. Sprite – okay. My list of sugary bevs grows ever longer…
  5. Enchiladas – I’m REALLY bad about this one. I make cheese enchiladas with red enchilada sauce WAY too much and usually I’m eating them while reading. I don’t eat them with library books. But e-books? Fair game.
  6. White powdered donuts – making this list makes me realize how extremely unhealthy my diet is. I mean, I know eating veggies is hard on my digestive track because of crohns, but still…abysmal.
  7. Any sort of dip, bean dip, queso, spinach dip, all of it – I love dips. Uhmmm.
  8. Clementines – these are so good. I could eat like a hundred of these sweet, delicious things. My stomach however, would not survive.
  9. Cheese & Crackers – another favorite. Cheese and crackers are a great staple. Just don’t use them as a bookmark.
  10. Anything else I can get my hands on – really, I’m not too picky about what I eat/drink while reading

What about you guys? What are some of your favorites? Let me know in the comments!