Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews

My birthday was on the 10th, and it was good! My coworkers got me a cake and another got me cupcakes. My grandmother gave me oreos and my parents baked me a brownie. I think I exploded from sugar overload this week!

But, I ran out of spoons. By about Thursday I was exhausted, but I had to go Christmas shopping on Friday. It was successful. Saturday I started feeling like I had a cold, and it still feels that way today. Yuck!

Today is going to be a day for relaxing, and I’m going to wrap presents and take bookstagram photos, queue up some posts and the like.

10 Blind Dates — Book Review

Date: December 13th 2019
Welcome to My #startonyourshelfathon post!
Date: December 13th 2019
#BEWinter19: Polar Express Discussion Post
Date: December 9th 2019
New Branding/Theme
Date: December 8th 2019

Only one review this week, I meant to get more up and it just didn’t happen. But I’m participating in a few cool things! So I’m excited!

Yes! That’s it! One measly library book because the book I ordered (Stalking Jack the Ripper (it was hardcover) ) was lost in the mail. I AM SO SAD. I am going to be refunded, but it was still a major disappointment for me.

Sooo I need to finish both of these. One Day In December is due the 20th, and it is on hold for other people! So I have to return it by then! And Chosen comes out in January so again, I need to finish and review it before then!

I think that is it! Nothing too much else going on here! I hope you all have lovely weeks!