A Curse of Gold

A Curse of Gold

So, I enjoyed the first book. I love seeing different takes on mythology, and this one was definitely interesting! I hadn’t seen it done that way before, and I was intrigued. Of course, I picked up the sequel (this one) before I’d read the first, so I had to read that first. This is the sequel to A Touch of Gold and I think it is a good sequel.

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Meet Some Books I Really Enjoyed [Video]

I started a small youtube channel for when I do little videos for my blog, so feel free to follow me on there! But here is the first video I did. I introduce a variety of books I’ve enjoyed or made an impact on me.

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The Scapegracers

The Scapegracers

This had witches and it had lesbians. It also had good female friendships. These are all things that I love in books. There was a ton of queer rep, even if just briefly mentioned, in this book. Unfortunately, it didn’t all come together for me in a way that made me love the book.

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