Sunday Post #2

Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews A little late today, sorry! I've had a lot of stuff going on. Today has been really busy, but also a really successful week as well. My doctors bombarded my insurance with proof of why I needed an...

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Spin the Dawn

Spin the Dawn

unced as a crossover between Project Runway and Mulan I was a bit skeptical. Mostly because I had a bit of a hard time combining those two thoughts. But I love the story of Mulan, and the idea was super interesting so nevertheless I wanted to read this book. I sort of knew what I was expecting when I went in — but I ended up really liking it.

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Top Ten Tuesday

I'm going to join in on this, created by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weeks is Books On My TBR I’m Avoiding Reading and Why. So lets go through my TBR and see what I've been avoiding reading...(I'm including my want to read list, because some I don't own...) Sea Witch...

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Sunday Post

Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews Rick Test I will admit, I am almost brand new to the book blogging community, and I'm trying to find some more interaction, and this Sunday Post seems like a fabulous idea! I'm very glad to partake in it. Not...

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August TBRs

I'm very excited for August, I'll be getting my first owlcrate box and there are a whole bunch of books I'm excited to read. This is the current list of books I am definitely planning on reading at the moment. I will probably add more as I find out what books I can...

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