The Mask Falling

The Mask Falling

It is so hard to write a book review for book 4 in a series. So much has happened and so much does happen in this book. This won’t be a long review for many reasons the first of which is I am still struggling to put into words THAT ENDING. I feel the buildup in relationships in this book was one of my favorite things. I mean…yes.

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The Winner’s Trilogy

The Winner’s Trilogy

I had attempted to read this series about a year ago and gave up because I felt that I wasn’t enjoying it AT ALL. But I found the entire series in my local used bookstore for $9 and I figured, hey, why not? If I didn’t like them I’d trade them back in for something else instead. Lo and behold I actually ended up liking this series.

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Witches Steeped In Gold

Witches Steeped In Gold

Witches Steeped in Gold was one of my most anticipated reads, so no one is sadder than I am that it didn’t work for me. I have the Fairyloot edition which has a gorgeous cover. Absolutely stunning, and yet…the inside of the book didn’t work for me.

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Six Crimson Cranes

Six Crimson Cranes

I was SO excited for Six Crimson Cranes because I adored her Blood of Stars duology. This was Fairyloot’s July book pick, and the book is absolutely stunning!
I went in with high expectations for this one. I didn’t end up loving this one as much. I did still find it enjoyable, just not to the extent that I liked her other series. This was not a bad book by any stretch of the imagination, but there were a few parts in it that I didn’t love as much. I knew that this was a retelling, but I don’t think I’ve ever read the original, so I went into this without any preconceived notions about what to expect in regard to the original versus the retelling. That is a benefit to me, and usually works out better.

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The Queen Will Betray You

The Queen Will Betray You

The sequel to The Princess Will Save You was good. It wasn’t anything like I expected it to be, however. I thought for sure that this was a duology but the way it ended made me think that it is going to be a series. Anyways, I’m not sure if I liked it more or less than the first book.

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