Reading Nooks

No matter what type of reader you are, you generally have a spot (or a few) that you love reading in more than most. Sometimes, like me, you can pretty much read anywhere your heart desires. Standing, upside down, working out (okay, I tried that and got motion...

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Small Favors

Small Favors

This is a book I was really excited for. I loved Craig’s debut, A House of Salt and Sorrows and when I went into this book I was looking forward to it. I’m honestly not sure what went wrong for me to be honest. I was into it in the beginning, and I think that it was an intriguing idea.

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July 2021 Wrap-Up || the things I do for books

Well, well, well. I haven’t done a wrap up since March. Oops. But promise, I had a good reason. I’ve been just so busy with life! And reading. Also I sometimes forget I have a blog. I’ll try and be better. I’m sure you’re curious about how my month was, right?

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in which I am incapable of keeping to a schedule

I had the best intentions really, updating once a week. That meant four posts a month…but somehow I fell off the wagon. I can never remember to post my reviews (oops!) so I need to actually buckle down and create a schedule. Or pre-plan posts. Something.

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One Last Stop

One Last Stop

A f/f rom-com with a paranormal element — and a beautiful story that makes you smile. While I think RWRB is still better, this one is no sluggish second book.

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