Autumn Books | books to read during autumn
New booktube video on books that I think work well in autumn. From graphic novels to witches and vampires, there are picks for everyone!
Autumn Books | books to read during autumn Read Post »
New booktube video on books that I think work well in autumn. From graphic novels to witches and vampires, there are picks for everyone!
Autumn Books | books to read during autumn Read Post »
When I saw the description of this book I was excited. It sounded like one that I would really enjoy. I have a BA in Classics, and so I was truly looking forward to a take on mythology.
Set Fire to the Gods Read Post »
I have a new video about my top adult books of the year so far! Come join me! Here I talk about some of my favorite adult books that I’ve read so far this year.
Top Adult Books of the Year (so far!!) Read Post »
I read this book in one day. I have no regrets because it was absolutely fan-freaking-tastic.
A Rogue Of One’s Own Read Post »
Christina Lauren has been hit and miss for me quite a bit. There are some books of theirs I enjoy more than others, but this book really knocked it out of the park to me. This one was superbly well done and I am still thinking about it days later, so I know it’s a good book when that happens to me. What can I say about this book other than sing its praises? Not much because the experience of reading this book was lovely.
Let me preface this by saying I have never read Practical Magic or its sequel. In fact, I have heard of them, but never read them. I will be reading them at some point, as this book was amazing! I really liked it, and I think it was quite emotional at some points.
As you may or may not know I had (have) conflicted feelings over Serpent & Dove. The first time I read it, I wasn’t wild about it. The second I really liked it! This is my review for the book. Before I started Blood & Honey I did review S&D.
I will admit, I loved the book cover from the moment I saw it. I am also obsessed with celestial things – so yeah. I am shallow, but all I knew was I wanted to read this book. I got the Owlcrate box, and the cover change was to my favorite color: purple. I was immensely pleased.