House of Salt and Sorrows

House of Salt and Sorrows

A retelling of the 12 Dancing Princesses, Annaleigh lives with her sisters and father in a manor by the sea. Her sisters are dying one by one, and Annaleigh is tormented by visions. All the while her sisters continue to sneak out to go dancing.

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I Am the Chosen King

  Author:     Helen Hollick    Genre:    Historical Fiction    Pages:    592    Format:   E-book    Rating: Description: Harold Godwinesson will be the last Saxon King of England. This is his story, from England in a time of turmoil before 1066 and the Norman Conquest...

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Spin the Dawn

Spin the Dawn

unced as a crossover between Project Runway and Mulan I was a bit skeptical. Mostly because I had a bit of a hard time combining those two thoughts. But I love the story of Mulan, and the idea was super interesting so nevertheless I wanted to read this book. I sort of knew what I was expecting when I went in — but I ended up really liking it.

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Ziggy, Stardust & Me

Ziggy, Stardust & Me

Jonathan is sixteen years old, growing up in 1973. He struggles with his alcoholic father and his sexuality. He relies on his best friend Starla, and on the idea that his “treatments” will one day make him normal. And then a new boy named Web moves into town and he’s about to turn Jonathan’s world upside down

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Sorcery of Thorns

Sorcery of Thorns

‘ve been waiting forever to read this book. It had libraries, demons, magic and what have you. It seems like it would be the perfect book for me, so I was very excited to start reading it. But, at the same time I was worried that it was going to fall short of my expectations. That’s always the fear with books that are hyped up — that they aren’t as good as you think they’re going to be. 

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Sea Witch

Sea Witch

I was excited about this book — A The Little Mermaid retelling? Sign me up! I didn’t know what to expect, except for the fact that the main character was to be the future Ursula. I didn’t have too many expectations other than it had magic and mermaids. There is little more that will please me than that. 

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