These Hollow Vows

These Hollow Vows

How does one rate this book? Honestly, I am struggling with it. This book was one of my most anticipated reads of the year. Between the gorgeous cover and the description I thought it was going to be a shoo in for a top five book of the year. I should know better though – and I’m going to write this review a bit differently because I feel that I can’t divide it up into the sections I normally do.

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April 2022 Wrap-Up

I clearly jinxed myself last month when I said I “ONLY” read 17 books. 😑Because you know how many I read this month? Yeah, it wasn’t 17. It was 12. Whyyyyyyyy? I bemoan.

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The Bronzed Beasts

The Bronzed Beasts

No one is more devastated than me – because I gave the first two books five stars. I LOVED this series. I’m a little upset that I am only giving this book 3.5 stars. If you want to know why, please read on! I want to cover what I enjoyed about the book first. Because there were aspects of the book that were enjoyable.

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Throwback Thursday #2

ook that I am picking it’s probably one you don’t know well. (I have a WHOLE stash of 1980’s/1990’s fantasy that I love.) You guys are going to hate me by the end. The Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling was introduced to me years ago by a good friend. Their taste was spot on in regards to this series.

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Throwback Thursday #1

I’m starting a new series on my blog! It’s called Throwback Thursday! On Thursday’s I’ll make a post that talks about throwbacks to books I’ve read years ago. I may also include throwback posts from my bookstagram. I wanted to do this because it’s fun to see what books I used to love to read, and how our reading tastes change (or don’t!).

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