Book Review

Small Favors

This is a book I was really excited for. I loved Craig’s debut, A House of Salt and Sorrows and when I went into this book I was looking forward to it. I’m honestly not sure what went wrong for me to be honest. I was into it in the beginning, and I think that it was an intriguing idea.

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A Year In… // sequels this year

Welcome, welcome. This particular “A Year In” is dedicated to sequels. There were quite a few sequels out this year, which is always exciting. And it is only May, which means there are more yet to come. This post discusses the sequels I have read so far this year in hopes of finding out if I have any desire to read the remaining series, or give them a second chance.

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ariadne book cover
Book Review


When we do get women in myth they are usually evil or temptresses or some other variety of a woman who is considered bad or wrong. Much like Circe, Ariadne takes the myth as we know it and turns it into a powerful look at sexism and empowerment.

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